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English translation for "macular hole"


Related Translations:
macular:  adj.有斑点的;有污点的。
macular adherens:  粘联斑
macular axis:  黄斑轴
macular cyst:  黄斑囊肿
macular coloboma:  黄斑缺损
macular region:  黄斑区
macular fascia:  点横带
macular amyloidosis:  斑疹性淀粉样变性,斑状淀粉样变性
macular electroretinogram:  视网膜黄斑电图
macular sparing:  黄斑回避
Example Sentences:
1.New treatment for macular hole and epiretinal membrane
2.Effect of different surgical methods for retinal detachment with macular hole
3.Retinal detachment with macular hole in high myopic eyes and surgical treatment
4.Treatment of reopened macular hole after vitrectomy by laser and fluid - gas exchange
5.Stage 2 : full thickness macular hole , can opener tear or pseudooperculum , < 400 micorns in diameter
6.Stage 2 : full thickness macular hole , can opener tear or pseudooperculum , < 400 micorns in diameter
全层黄斑裂孔,可为开罐式撕开或假性包盖,直径小于400微米(裂孔) 。
7.In this report , we present two cases of macular hole in the worse eye of bilateral cases of behcet ' s disease , and discuss the possible mechanisms and management in such cases
8.The fellow eye of 11 patients had abnormal macular appearance , 4 presented with macular hole , and the others showed irregular surface , central yellowish deposits , mottling change , or pseudomacular hole
9.Posterior segment involvement may lead to irreversible alterations and significant vision loss , the development of a partial or full - thickness macular hole , though rarely reported , may cause serious vision loss
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